Boiler connection to chimney


A topic that bothers most people who are interested in buying a new boiler for their family home or operation. In this short article we will provide you with basic useful advice on how to choose the right boiler and a chimney for your house.

Proper connection of the boiler to the chimney requires several aspects, not every house is the same height and does not have the same area. Therefore this topic should be consulted with a chimney sweep or planning engineer. The chimney which has a high impact on the efficiency of the entire heating system and the overall comfort of living must also adapt to the latest trends in the field of heating. The chimney design is regulated by special standards and laws which set the conditions for the chimney.

Here are some practical examples of houses, businesses and industrial buildings:

Bungalow House

Low-rise detached houses popular for low operating costs also need to meet the parameters for proper operation. In this type of house, the chimney should reach a minimum. height 6 m, the lower chimney could cause insufficient draft because the chimney does not have time to remove the amount of flue gas produced in the boiler. Not only the height but also the diameter of the chimney is important. We recommend a minimum of 20 cm and a minimum chimney draft of 23 Pa.

If the chimney height is higher, the chimney diameter may be smaller but not more than 20 cm!

A suitable boiler for a bungalow-type family house is in the power range of 15-30 kW at approx. 80-100 m2. For maximum boiler output and long service life, it is prescribed to use an Oventrop storage tank and mixing device for the boiler.

Two-storey House

Two-storey family houses – When building taller houses, the chimney should reach at least 10 m, the lower chimney could cause insufficient draft because there is not enough time to remove the amount of flue gas produced from the boiler in the chimney. On the contrary the diameter should be narrower than a bungalow-type house with at least 16 cm and a minimum chimney draft of 23 Pa. If the height of the chimney is higher, the diameter of the chimney may be smaller but not smaller than 16 cm!

A suitable boiler for a two-storey family house is in the power range of 15-30 kW at approx. 200-250 m2. For maximum boiler output and long service life it is prescribed to use an Oventrop storage tank and mixing device for the boiler.

Small business premises

Smaller companies, apartment buildings, schools – Premises of small businesses usually need to heat a larger area, eg (offices, warehouses, etc.). The height of the chimney should allow the correct extraction of the produced flue gases from the boiler. The height and diameter of the chimney is designed by the planning engineer. It depends on the type of building, where the chimneys reach different heights from 7 m to 15 m.

A chimney with insufficient height could cause insufficient draft, because there is not enough time to to remove the amount of flue gas produced from the boiler in the chimney. Minimum chimney diameter 30 cm and draft 23Pa.

We also think of small plants, so we have developed boilers with a large loading chamber and a combustion efficiency of up to 92%. A suitable boiler for small operations is in the power range of 30 to 55 kW, which can easily heat an operation with an area of ​​approx. 1000 m2. For maximum boiler output and long service life, it is prescribed to use an Oventrop storage tank and mixing device for the boiler.




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