YB Chimney was Awarded FL3B power plant in Kelinqi, Indonesia 100M Steel Stack

 YB Chimney was Awarded FL3B power plant in Kelinqi, Indonesia 100M Steel Stack

We are glad to annouce because of YB Chimney's professional. We had win the bid in FL3B power plant stee stack in Indoensia. The steel stack will produced and delivery to customer in 2-3 month. 

YB chimney is your best optional for heat power bolier! More info pls visit: www.industrychimney.net Email us sales@industrychimeny.net now 7/24 service with steel stack design and quote

More info: https://www.power-technology.com/marketdata/south-sumatra-5sumsel-5-power-plant-indonesia/

South Sumatra 5(Sumsel 5) Power Plant is a 300MW coal fired power project. It is located in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The project is currently active. It has been developed in multiple phases. Post completion of construction, the project got commissioned in March 2016.

Project TypeTotal Capacity (MW)Active Capacity (MW)Pipeline Capacity (MW)Project StatusProject LocationProject Developer
Thermal300300ActiveSouth Sumatra, IndonesiaChina National Electric Engineering


The project was developed by China National Electric Engineering and is currently owned by PT DSSP Power Sumsel with a stake of 100%.

It is a Steam Turbine power plant. The fuel is procured from PT Andalan Satria Lestari.

The project cost is $420m.




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